Healthy lifestyle

What is the glycemic index? Why not all cereals are equally useful


What is the glycemic index? Why not all cereals are equally ...

Porridge appeared in the human diet since ancient times, they help people get all the necessary nutrients for healthy living and ...

Sat down: 13 photos of girls before and after they started playing sports


Sat down: 13 photos of girls before and after they started ...

Sport has a positive effect not only on a person's health and well-being, but also on his self-esteem and mood in general! After ...

The death of the microbes: how often should you wash your hands and why


The death of the microbes: how often should you wash your ...

"Wash your hands before eating!" — a phrase familiar to us since childhood. The parents explained that with the help of this ...

10 facts about the most useful smells


10 facts about the most useful smells

The sense of smell is one of the five senses that plays a significant role in our lives. Odors, strong and barely discernible, ...

10 Poisonous Fruits and Vegetables We Eat Every Day


10 Poisonous Fruits and Vegetables We Eat Every Day

Almost every day we eat products made from plants that contain deadly poisons. Many of us believe that there is nothing healthier ...

7 facts about belly fat


7 facts about belly fat

Belly or belly fat is not only an aesthetic problem, but also an important indicator of health. In this article, we'll reveal ...

Food Art That Gets Kids Excited About Fruits And Veggies, By Sarah Lescrauwaet-Beach


Food Art That Gets Kids Excited About Fruits And Veggies, By ...

If you’ve ever struggled to get your children excited about eating healthy, Sarah Lescrauwaet-Beach has probably figured out the ...

Money, or Why you don't need supplements and multivitamins


Money, or Why you don't need supplements and multivitamins

For many years we are actively taught that modern foods are insufficient, the content of useful substances. Because of this, our ...

Need a little motivation for sport? We'll fix it!


Need a little motivation for sport? We'll fix it!

People with sports figures can not but cause admiration. Every inch of their bodies invested a lot of work, discipline, ...

Lose weight easy and healthy: 6 ways to say goodbye to excess weight before the winter holidays


Lose weight easy and healthy: 6 ways to say goodbye to excess ...

Many people are afraid to get better in the winter when the days are getting shorter, the air — colder; pants — closer. ...

5 reasons for a large belly, not related to regular overeating


5 reasons for a large belly, not related to regular overeating

The causes of excess fat are not always associated with overeating or motor activity. Sometimes, even no matter how much time is ...

19 Beauty Solutions For Those Winter Issues Nobody Wants To Talk About


19 Beauty Solutions For Those Winter Issues Nobody Wants To ...

Winter isn't just coming – it's here to wreak havoc on your body like a vengeful ex who's taken control of the weather. From skin ...

7 undeniable benefits of daily consumption of green smoothies


7 undeniable benefits of daily consumption of green smoothies

As a rule, people do not supply the body with enough green leafy vegetables necessary for well-being. One green cocktail a day can ...

9 habits that will help you live to 100 years


9 habits that will help you live to 100 years

Experts of the world health organization believe that the way of life that leads people directly affects not only its quality but ...

10 delicious and healthy snacks for just 100 calories


10 delicious and healthy snacks for just 100 calories

Snacking is healthy and delicious, and even with a low calorie intake? Is this real? Yes! You just need to know what is there. ...

Australian Boxer Shows Off Physical Transformation After Removing Her Breast Implants


Australian Boxer Shows Off Physical Transformation After ...

An Australian boxer who recently got her breast implants removed has shown off her post-procedure results to fans on social media. 

Scientists have dispelled the myth of the benefits of 10 thousand steps a day


Scientists have dispelled the myth of the benefits of 10 ...

Everyone has probably heard about the benefits of 10 thousand steps that you need to do every day to maintain your health. With the ...

16 gifs after viewing which you'll want as soon as possible to go to the gym


16 gifs after viewing which you'll want as soon as possible ...

You are a woman or a man? Do sports or just going to start doing it? And may not interested in HLS and other new-fangled things? In ...

Rules of winter vitamins: which products are more useful


Rules of winter vitamins: which products are more useful

It's still autumn on the calendar, and it's almost winter outside the window. And, most unpleasant of all, a pandemic. The main ...

5 of the Best Vegetables to Eat, According to Nutritionists


5 of the Best Vegetables to Eat, According to Nutritionists

Give your recipes a boost with these nutrient-dense picks.

Sleepy Kingdom: 5 main signs that you have developed hypersomnia


Sleepy Kingdom: 5 main signs that you have developed hypersomnia

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, many of us feel tired and irritated. And if fatigue occurs due to stress and lack of sleep, ...

What to eat to lose weight: 10 useful and dietary Goodies


What to eat to lose weight: 10 useful and dietary Goodies

A dream of a beautiful figure, but can't take myself in hand and, finally, to abandon all of these chocolates, sweets, biscuits and ...

12 sports workouts that are hard to believe


12 sports workouts that are hard to believe

A healthy lifestyle and regular training are now in trends, so trainers are not limited to ordinary Zumba, creating more and more ...

7 Scientifically Proven Ways to Increase Happiness


7 Scientifically Proven Ways to Increase Happiness

What is "happiness"? It is quite difficult to describe the meaning of this word in detail, as well as to explain what "love" is. ...

Why does weight return after a diet, and how to avoid it?


Why does weight return after a diet, and how to avoid it?

If you have ever been on a diet, then you probably noticed how after a long cut in the diet and weight loss, the weight returns to ...

5 habits that negatively affect the skin and impending old age


5 habits that negatively affect the skin and impending old age

Women have made many efforts to save the youth and freshness of the skin. But even the most carefully protecting the face from ...