Scientists have found an eternally young organ in humans
Categories: Health and Medicine | Science
By Pictolic all got used to the idea that our body is inevitably aging and it is impossible to stop this process. And what if they tell you that there is an organ that is always only 3 years old and that is timeless? It sounds like science fiction, but it's a scientific fact. Scientists have found that the human liver does not age and remains young even in the elderly.
An amazing discovery was made by biologists from the University of Dresden. They determined that the age of our liver has nothing to do with our age. On average, this organ is always less than 3 years old, even if you are well over 70. The process of restoring liver cells is not related to the mechanisms of aging and the organ is updated equally intensively throughout our lives.
Permanent liver repair is a vital process for each of us. The organ responsible for removing toxins from the body is continuously updated to maintain its functionality. When processing harmful substances that have entered our body, liver cells are damaged. But the recovery is happening so fast that we do not notice this negative process.
The head of the study , Olaf Bergmann , commented on the discovery of his team in an interview with journalists:
Rapid liver renewal occurs against the background of gradual fading of processes in the body with age. Other organs and tissues gradually lose their ability to recover, and so old age comes.
Studying the liver, biologists found in it a group of cells that is older than the rest. They are not 3 years old, but 10 and this is due to chromosomes. Bergmann says this about it:
The number of cells living for 10 years increases with the age of a person. Why this happens is still unknown for sure. But scientists suggest that this prevents the liver from accumulating mutations. Bergmann believes that it is now important to study how this mechanism is related to liver cancer. Perhaps, having solved this secret, it will be possible to save millions of people.
And in general, the study has opened the way for studying the principle of the liver and can tell you how to maintain its health. The next target of scientists from Dresden will be the human heart. They want to use a liver-tested method of age analysis and find out how old this organ is. Do you know that the heart can be improved with feces?
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