
The simplest and kindest language of 137 words was invented in Canada.


The simplest and kindest language of 137 words was invented ...

You can learn a foreign language in just a few days. Of course, if this is the Toki Pona language, invented in 2001 in Canada by ...

The relaxation technique 6 steps, allowing you to sleep in 60 seconds. Check it out!


The relaxation technique 6 steps, allowing you to sleep in 60 ...

Harvard Professor Dr. Andrew Weil has developed a unique technique of relaxation, thanks to which even the most restless people ...

Why do we check likes so often, or 10 examples of human mind control


Why do we check likes so often, or 10 examples of human mind ...

And you are the type of people who look every 10 minutes at what's new on Instagram, "what if someone likes a photo or posted a new ...

20 human body parts that are an example of bad design


20 human body parts that are an example of bad design

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld once said that if the human body was a car, we would never buy it: maintenance is not worth it! This is ...

10 facts about smells


10 facts about smells

Nature has endowed man with five senses, and the sense of smell is an important element of our perception that allows us to know ...

How anthropologist Grover Krantz and his Dog Clyde became Museum exhibits


How anthropologist Grover Krantz and his Dog Clyde became ...

There is an unusual exhibit at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington. This is the skeleton of a man, on whose chest ...

Stuffed with lead, or how do people feel when they get shot?


Stuffed with lead, or how do people feel when they get shot?

In action movies, we often see how the main character, shot in several places, not only continues to fight evil, but also actively ...

Scientists have solved the mystery of "Game of death" in Egypt, it was used to communicate with the world beyond the grave


Scientists have solved the mystery of "Game of death" in ...

Popular in Ancient Egypt Board game "Senet" or "game of death" was popular among all sections of society about 5 thousand years ...

The Guilty Pleasure Phenomenon: Why We Are Ashamed of What We Like


The Guilty Pleasure Phenomenon: Why We Are Ashamed of What We ...

Do you watch stupid TV shows, read Dontsova's books or collect cigarette packs, but do it secretly, fearing condemnation? ...

Medicinal 40 degrees: is there a cure for vodka these 7 diseases?


Medicinal 40 degrees: is there a cure for vodka these 7 diseases?

In Russia (and not only) is such a strong beverage, such as vodka, is often used for other purposes. Perhaps the most common way is ...

8 Reasons Why Even Nice People Can Be Annoying


8 Reasons Why Even Nice People Can Be Annoying

Sometimes even the most friendly and sweet people irritate us, and this is absolutely normal! Psychologists have identified several ...

The death of the microbes: how often should you wash your hands and why


The death of the microbes: how often should you wash your ...

"Wash your hands before eating!" — a phrase familiar to us since childhood. The parents explained that with the help of this ...

Scientists have uncovered the secret to wrapping gifts: what makes it worse, the better the recipient


Scientists have uncovered the secret to wrapping gifts: what ...

In anticipation of the most busy surprises holiday of the year for many is the question — as a beautiful and original way to ...

20 gifs that explain the world better than textbooks


20 gifs that explain the world better than textbooks

Sometimes it's better to see once than hear a hundred times. Therefore, we think that modern textbooks really lack such gifs so ...

Scientists have found that it is better for women to sleep with dogs, and not with men


Scientists have found that it is better for women to sleep ...

If you have a dog, then you probably noticed that when he curls up at night at your feet, he sleeps especially soundly. Scientists ...

"Golden blood" with a zero Rh factor — why it is both salutary and dangerous at once


"Golden blood" with a zero Rh factor — why it is both ...

When we hear the combination of the words "golden blood", we imagine either a member of the royal family or a miracle drug from ...

Not Just Formulas: Mathematician Blogger Zara Dar Becomes OnlyFans Model


Not Just Formulas: Mathematician Blogger Zara Dar Becomes ...

Even mathematical geniuses are not strangers to simple human joys. They also want to dress beautifully, drive expensive cars and ...

Broken Heart syndrome: Thoughts can kill lovers


Broken Heart syndrome: Thoughts can kill lovers

We have all heard such an expression as "broken heart". It is often used in novels, poems and TV shows when it comes to the ...

The story of toxic Gloria Ramirez, whose touch could have cost you your life


The story of toxic Gloria Ramirez, whose touch could have ...

Gloria Ramirez can be considered a very ordinary American. Her life was quite happy and unremarkable. Everything changed when she ...

Scientists have found that smart people stay young longer


Scientists have found that smart people stay young longer

It is well known that giving up bad habits, physical activity and good sleep can prolong a person's youth. More recently, another ...

Love each other to health! 8 benefits of regular orgasms for the body


Love each other to health! 8 benefits of regular orgasms for ...

Sex — is not only enjoyable, but also a very useful exercise. Orgasm improves the General condition of the organs and ...

6 stereotypes about men and women, confirmed by science


6 stereotypes about men and women, confirmed by science

Ladies, no offense, but men are better at navigating the terrain than you are. Men, do not be offended, but ladies are better than ...

Wheat, wormwood and other plants that changed history


Wheat, wormwood and other plants that changed history

10,000 years ago, man domesticated wheat. Or is she his? Everyone knows these plants, but not everyone fully understands the role ...

Money, or Why you don't need supplements and multivitamins


Money, or Why you don't need supplements and multivitamins

For many years we are actively taught that modern foods are insufficient, the content of useful substances. Because of this, our ...

Why pigs are used as organ donors for humans, and not monkeys


Why pigs are used as organ donors for humans, and not monkeys

Organ transplantation is a complex and risky operation, which is resorted to in extreme cases. Usually, a transplant is done if ...

Facts about the female body that even women themselves do not suspect


Facts about the female body that even women themselves do not ...

A woman is always a mystery, but if you look at it from a scientific point of view, then her body is full of secrets and ...