Health and Medicine

From Hippocrates to Pirogov: military field surgery in ...
Wars have accompanied humanity throughout its history. The methods of warfare have changed a lot over the centuries, but death ...

"Girl Without a Soul": the story of Louise Joy ...
Scientific discoveries that break the age-old foundations of society were often received with hostility. So it was in antiquity, in ...

How did the costume of the plague doctor and why he looks so ...
The famous suit of the plague doctor, in the form in which we know it, appeared only in the XVII century. The plague was active in ...

The story of a boy named Donald and a chimpanzee named Gua, ...
Science knows dozens of cases when, for various reasons, children grew up with animals. Usually, such stories happen by chance, ...

35 x-ray images that reveal the world from an unexpected quarter
The x-rays is not only an essential tool in medical practice, but also a portal to amazing and unknown world, which can impress ...

Delicate food: the history of the emergence of sanitary pads ...
Kotex — this is the most popular in the United States brand, producing women's sanitary pads. Today, thanks to advertising, ...

What happens if you swallow a fly?
Among the many phobias known to science, the fear of accidentally swallowing an insect is one of the most common. This kind of ...

13 terms worth knowing to understand your psychological state
Psychology explains many things that we encounter in life. With the help of it, you can find the reasons for a person's behavior, ...

The rarest eye color in the world
Eye color inherited one human genome, and from the moment of conception, he is destined to have a certain color. Scientists ...

Scientists Explain Why You Should Wash Your Hands After Any ...
When you wash your hands after contact with your pet, you are not just performing a hygienic procedure. In this way, you take care ...

Brain shrinkage and 4 more proofs that Man continues to evolve
Recent scientific discoveries have proved that human evolution has not stopped. Our genes continue to mutate, as in previous eras. ...

Vincent Van Gogh - about the experience of experiencing a ...
Vincent Van Gogh is one of those artists whom experts unanimously classify as mentally ill artists. A huge number of works have ...

The brilliant schizophrenics who changed our world
Five people out of a thousand have schizophrenia. This disease is equally common in men and women. And the first descriptions of ...

Doctors warn: fried potatoes are killing our brains
We love potatoes in any form. Puree, simply boiled, baked in the oven and over a fire, in the form of potato pancakes - the list is ...

The most dangerous a study by British scientists: "operation ...
British scientists over the past few years have become heroes memes, jokes and anecdotes, due to their inexplicable passion for ...

15 Popular Healthy Eating Myths and How to Debunk Them
The world of healthy eating is full of myths that we habitually accept as truth, but they can be misleading and even harmful to ...

How many people would live without the achievements of modern ...
Have you ever thought about how many can people live without the achievements of modern medicine? Yes, without all these ...

A letter from a girl dying of cancer that will change your ...
Several years have passed since 27-year-old Holly Butcher passed away in Australia - the girl died of a rare form of cancer. The ...

What happens if you eat bread with mold
Mold can grow on the edge of a piece of bread and you won't even notice. "Just think, what could happen?" — most say will be ...

Meat eaters vs. vegetarians: scientists have found out whose ...
A group of psychologists from the University of Southern Indiana studied the characteristics of the psyche of meat lovers, ...

Stretched pelvis, pleasing to the eye: why Japanese women ...
Japanese women have a real cult of pulling. They wear tight black knee socks, sleep in special compression stockings and cannot do ...

Pheromones humans and animals: is there love at first scent
Today to buy a special perfumes with pheromones guaranteeing a stunning success with the opposite sex, can be everywhere. They are ...

15 foods that you can eat even at night
There are quite a popular way to lose weight that are used by those who don't want to bother with the difficult diet: do not eat ...

Lethal doses of familiar substances
In our life, it is very important to observe moderation and proper concentration in everything. This was very accurately expressed ...

5 diseases for which doctors recommend passionate sex
In ancient times people noticed that sex has a beneficial effect on health, but to explain the nature of this phenomenon could not. ...

Why do they say "The navel can be untied" and is it worth ...
Let's not keep the intrigue and immediately say that the popular expression "Don't overdo it, otherwise the navel will untie" has ...