
Coffee, beer, chocolate: which products will disappear with global warming


Coffee, beer, chocolate: which products will disappear with ...

Global warming poses a threat to the entire planet. And this is due not only to unpredictable weather, melting glaciers and the ...

5 important reasons not to take your smartphone to the toilet


5 important reasons not to take your smartphone to the toilet

We used to read a newspaper in the toilet or, at worst, the inscriptions on the air freshener bottle. But the future has come to ...

Scientists have found that women's moans are not associated with orgasm


Scientists have found that women's moans are not associated ...

Despite the fact that modern science is moving forward by leaps and bounds, the female orgasm remains a big mystery. Scientists ...

5 reasons why working in an office is evil. And it's not about boredom and routine at all


5 reasons why working in an office is evil. And it's not ...

You probably noticed that by the middle of the working day in the office you feel tired, unwillingness to do anything, apathy and ...

There is no escape: scientists questioned the possibility of interplanetary travel


There is no escape: scientists questioned the possibility of ...

One of the greatest minds of the century, Stephen Hawking, believed that mankind will soon destroy the Earth. In this case, the ...

Why with my eyes closed we can see any patterns


Why with my eyes closed we can see any patterns

Try to see the darkness, narrowing his eyes. Most likely you will fail. Most people in this position see strange patches of light ...

7 ways to start eating healthy food without suffering and disruption


7 ways to start eating healthy food without suffering and ...

Doctors and nutritionists in one voice insists on the necessity of proper nutrition, but they forget to say how hard it is to wean ...

German scientists have explained why beer helps us to become happier


German scientists have explained why beer helps us to become ...

We know that after a couple of glasses of beer, the world around us becomes better, people are nicer, and problems seem not so ...

What animals can a person be crossed with


What animals can a person be crossed with

The idea of crossing humans with animals has occupied people for thousands of years. Thanks to her, many fantastic characters ...

11 scientific answers to stupid questions


11 scientific answers to stupid questions

Periodically, everyone has unanswered questions. We have made a selection of eleven stupid questions, scientific answers to which ...

Statistics of the innermost: 7 scientific facts about sexual fantasies


Statistics of the innermost: 7 scientific facts about sexual ...

Scientists are getting deeper into the depths of our psychology and have already taken up the most intimate sexual fantasies. It ...

Experiment with egg and vinegar


Experiment with egg and vinegar

Did you know that if you put an egg in vinegar for two days, the shell will dissolve and the egg will become elastic. Under the ...

35 famous "scientific facts" and their refutation


35 famous "scientific facts" and their refutation

So, in this issue we will refute scientific facts, or rather what some mistakenly believe to be such. These myths, old wives' tales ...

Scientists have found an eternally young organ in humans


Scientists have found an eternally young organ in humans

We all got used to the idea that our body is inevitably aging and it is impossible to stop this process. And what if they tell you ...

32 stunning photos of Earth from space


32 stunning photos of Earth from space

Earth Observatory NASA, in honor of its 20th anniversary, has published on its website a few dozen shots of our planet from space. ...

How long is the longest pregnancy in animals


How long is the longest pregnancy in animals

The natural world is full of mysteries and amazing phenomena. One of the most mysterious and exciting processes that can be ...

20 facts about gemini that will surprise you


20 facts about gemini that will surprise you

Gemini has surprised humanity for thousands of years. Even today, when it is not unusual to have five or six children, twins still ...

Research shows reusable bottles are dirtier than toilet seats


Research shows reusable bottles are dirtier than toilet seats

It just so happens that when they talk about something dirty, they compare it to a toilet seat. Researchers from the USA were not ...

10 secrets of wildlife that scientists have not yet been able to reveal


10 secrets of wildlife that scientists have not yet been able ...

Although modern science is far advanced in understanding the laws of nature, there are quite a few things that scientists simply ...

Parasitic words: where do they come from and why do we need them?


Parasitic words: where do they come from and why do we need them?

Experts in the field of psychology believe that any word can be considered a parasite if a person uses it too often and out of ...

10 Weird Science Posts That Have Been Scientifically Proven To Be Interesting


10 Weird Science Posts That Have Been Scientifically Proven ...

As grown-ups, we might remember a few things from our high school. How rain is formed in clouds, the life cycle of plants, and the ...

Anatomical theaters: not exactly a performance, but certainly an art


Anatomical theaters: not exactly a performance, but certainly ...

Since ancient times, the study of medicine is inextricably linked with autopsy, that is, the autopsy of corpses. Before starting ...

20 incredible technologies expected in the near future


20 incredible technologies expected in the near future

Humanity is constantly improving, improving life with the help of new technologies. Scientists and developers make incredible ...

So here it is-perfect hygiene: according to scientists, you can not wash every day


So here it is-perfect hygiene: according to scientists, you ...

When it comes to everyday hygiene — from brushing your teeth to taking an evening shower-you might think you've known everything ...

The three main hormones of youth, beauty and health


The three main hormones of youth, beauty and health

Many people underestimate the importance of sleep for the body or simply have a wrong idea about this. It turns out that what ...

The Jocasta complex, or why love for a son can only do harm


The Jocasta complex, or why love for a son can only do harm

The story of King Oedipus and Queen Jocasta is one of the most complex and unique in ancient Greek mythology. This legend has many ...