
Foil caps — how they appeared and can they protect against radiation


Foil caps — how they appeared and can they protect against ...

The foil hat is a popular Internet meme inextricably linked to conspiracy theories. For an ordinary network user, this is a ...

What is a digital identity and how to protect it from encroachments


What is a digital identity and how to protect it from ...

The Internet has firmly entered our life and every year takes up more and more space in it. Digital technologies make it easier to ...

What the world looks like through the eyes of cats, dogs and fish from the aquarium


What the world looks like through the eyes of cats, dogs and ...

HomeAdvisor company came up with an interesting project: they created a virtual room in which there are 7 animals: a dog, a cat, an ...

"Project Abigail" — what is known about the mutant woman from Area 51


"Project Abigail" — what is known about the mutant woman ...

Military Base Zone 51 (Area 51) — one of the most protected sites on Earth. Located in a remote corner of the desert in Nevada, ...

10 terms from psychology that everyone should know


10 terms from psychology that everyone should know

Psychology is a complex and multifaceted science. Therefore, it is not necessary for us, ordinary people, to know what, for ...

Mesmerizing gifs that will make you fall in love with science


Mesmerizing gifs that will make you fall in love with science

Even if you've never been close to the world of science, you will not be able to tear their eyes away from these gifs is now ...

We are at risk! Scientists from the USA have shown what happens when flushing water in the toilet


We are at risk! Scientists from the USA have shown what ...

When we flush the toilet, it seems that at this moment the world around us becomes cleaner. But scientists from The University of ...

Scientists have found scientific justification for female hysteria: they are just trying not to die


Scientists have found scientific justification for female ...

Scientists from the University of Pittsburgh, USA, examined women's emotions and found her a scientific explanation. As it turned ...

The story of the Lady of the Clock, or How a British family traded time for almost a hundred years


The story of the Lady of the Clock, or How a British family ...

Modern watches are fairly accurate devices. But in the 19th century everything was different. Mechanical watches lagged a little ...

Why sleeping 8 hours is good and 6 hours is bad: a scientific explanation of the phenomenon of sleep


Why sleeping 8 hours is good and 6 hours is bad: a scientific ...

From time immemorial, fans of Nikola Tesla, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison and Salvador Dali — geniuses who are known for ...

The Universe-25 Experiment: How Heaven became Hell


The Universe-25 Experiment: How Heaven became Hell

As part of a social experiment, paradisiacal conditions were created for the mouse population: unlimited food and drink supplies, ...

World war Bronze age: who won the first battle in European history


World war Bronze age: who won the first battle in European ...

Historians believed that during the Bronze age, Northern Europe was a backward region. However, findings on the German river ...

Where in the world often have sex? Scientists have answered a question


Where in the world often have sex? Scientists have answered a ...

The controversy about how often people must love being centuries. Recent studies have shown that it is very individual and depends ...

Ten scientific discoveries that happened by accident


Ten scientific discoveries that happened by accident

In 1928, the English bacteriologist Alexander Fleming conducted a routine experiment to study the human body’s defense against ...

What is delayed life syndrome and how to deal with it


What is delayed life syndrome and how to deal with it

Recently, more and more people believe that they do not live a real life, but only prepare for it, create suitable conditions. They ...

The Story of a Bag of Bags: How Precious Packaging Became an Enemy of Humanity


The Story of a Bag of Bags: How Precious Packaging Became an ...

Until recently, a bag with bags was in every home and could be considered a symbol of established domestic life and well-being. It ...

A feature of the male face that increases the attractiveness for casual sex is named


A feature of the male face that increases the attractiveness ...

It is no secret that there are men who enjoy special success with women and do not make much effort for this. Their secret keeps ...

17 vile and slightly frightening facts about animal reproduction


17 vile and slightly frightening facts about animal reproduction

The basics of reproduction between representatives of fauna are probably known to everyone thanks to school biology lessons. But ...

Will a woman be able to bear and give birth to a Neanderthal


Will a woman be able to bear and give birth to a Neanderthal

Neanderthals who disappeared from the face of the Earth about 30 thousand. years ago, they are considered the closest relatives of ...

Victim of science: how a psychologist couple made their son a test subject in an experiment with a chimpanzee


Victim of science: how a psychologist couple made their son a ...

It is believed that parents wish their child only the best. But a family of scientists from New York made their own son a victim of ...

What does your household dust look like under a microscope


What does your household dust look like under a microscope

Let's find answers together to the most important questions of our time that torment citizens. For example, we simply have to find ...

Scientists have found out why women need an orgasm


Scientists have found out why women need an orgasm

It has been noticed for a long time that a female orgasm is a mysterious phenomenon and even not quite logical. If for a man orgasm ...

Why do many people like the smell of gasoline


Why do many people like the smell of gasoline

Secretly enjoying the aromas floating at gas stations? We can console you — you are not alone. There are a lot of people in the ...

Fishermen have found treasures of a vanished ancient civilization in Indonesia


Fishermen have found treasures of a vanished ancient ...

Sumatran fishermen discovered the richest treasures at the bottom of the river, including a statue of Buddha worth millions of ...

Scientists have debunked the popular myth about calico cats


Scientists have debunked the popular myth about calico cats

Most of us, when we see a tricolor cat, immediately categorically declare that it is a female. But is this really so? Are there ...

Hugs-helpers: how hugs improve health and help you lose weight


Hugs-helpers: how hugs improve health and help you lose weight

During the pandemic, people are wary of kissing and hugging, but no one forbade expressing their love in the family circle. ...