Scientists came to an unexpected conclusion: to be a widow is good for health

Scientists came to an unexpected conclusion: to be a widow is good for health

Categories: Health and Medicine | Science | Society

Scientists from the University of Padua, Italy, found that being a widow is not so bad, from the point of view of women's health. The solitude is helpful for both the physical and psychological condition of women. Interesting, but for men this rule is exactly the opposite.

Scientists came to an unexpected conclusion: to be a widow is good for health

Head of research, doctor of psychological Sciences Trevisan Caterina (Caterina Trevisan), argues that the presence of a spouse is a very positive thing for older men. It is as much about home management and health. Women at this age, on the contrary, you feel in family life worse and are often in a state of stress.

Having studied the lives of many couples of all ages, Dr. Trevisan found an interesting pattern. Since women on average live longer than men, then they feel the burden of caring for her husband, taking care of him, children and home. This is not the best way affects the quality of their lives.

But the amazing thing is that this rule works for young women living in marriage. Men require more care and attention than children and also keep your second half in a state of stress. For most women marriage psychological impact can be equated to motherhood.A survey conducted among women with children has shown that they appreciate the level of stress from family life 8.5 points out of a possible 10. 46% of the women interviewed explicitly stated that husbands cause them more problems than little kids.

Scientists came to an unexpected conclusion: to be a widow is good for health

Another survey found that 75% of married women believe that the care and education of children fall entirely on their shoulders. 20% of young mothers believe that the main cause of their stress is a lack of assistance from their spouse. Well, almost all, with rare exceptions, said that their depressed psychological state caused by nothing other than a chronic lack of time because of the need constantly to run the household.

At the University of Padua found that if the wife dies before the husband, the condition of the men deteriorated. But if a woman becomes a widow, that her health becomes much better, but depression and stress have become rare guests. Katerina Trevisan believes that this is because men tend to rely more on their women than Vice versa.

Scientists came to an unexpected conclusion: to be a widow is good for health

But wait until the faithful depart to the other world does not need, because there are ways in his lifetime to improve health and mood. Scientists from Padua believe that the key to the problem is that women should realize that marriage is an equal partnership. The wife has a right to give yourself as much attention as her husband and does not have to put your life on the altar of marriage without a trace.

Despite the findings of this study, it is recognized that many older couples are happily married and even temporary separation for them — a real drama.

Keywords: Marriage | Widow | Depression | Women's health | Men | Psychology | Family | Stress | Scientists

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