Need to learn something urgently? "Drink vodka!" — British scientists say

Need to learn something urgently? "Drink vodka!" — British scientists say

Categories: Europe | Science

Before you read this post, we will immediately post a clear disclaimer:

And now to the point.

Need to learn something urgently? "Drink vodka!" — British scientists say

Scientists from University of Exeter (yes, friends, these are famous British scientists) have experimentally proved that alcohol improves the process of memorization. "What a game," you say. — I had too much alcohol just now and I don't remember anything at all! How can alcohol improve memory?" A logical question. But it's true. The fact is that alcohol splinters anterograde memory (memories of events in the process of brain disease or intoxication in our case) and improves retrograde memory (memory of events preceding a binge).

Scientists invited 88 people for the experiment, who were not specific alcoholics, but periodically got drunk for a good reason. They were given cards with words in which some letters were replaced (for example, frenzylk from the word frenzy, "rage"), and poured a glass each. The experiment showed that people who drank alcohol remembered the cards better than those who drank soft drinks. At the first stage, the amount of booze given out in one hand was regulated and was small.

Need to learn something urgently? "Drink vodka!" — British scientists say

For the sake of science, scientists have gone even further. It seemed to them that the laboratory results might be inconclusive. Therefore, people were allowed to drink right at home and as much as they wanted.

The next morning, the researchers, wincing at the smell of fumes, measured the level of alcohol in the blood of the subjects and again checked what the participants of the experiment remembered. It turned out that the British suffering from a hangover demonstrated the results the better the more they drank in the evening. So scientists concluded that drinking helps to better remember the information that was learned before taking on the chest. On average, one participant received a dose of alcohol equivalent to a glass of vodka (the guys turned out to be weak).

Need to learn something urgently? "Drink vodka!" — British scientists say

Commenting on the results of the study, scientists honestly admitted that they do not really understand why this is happening. There is a theory that alcohol somehow facilitates the transfer of information from temporary memory to long-term memory and affects the brain during sleep.

So, when you come home from work after drinking with colleagues, show this post to your wife/husband and say that you were just trying to learn important information. British scientists will not advise anything bad.

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