10 modern ideas, which are thought of in ancient times

10 modern ideas, which are thought of in ancient times

Categories: History | Science | World

Dozens of everyday things we mistake for the achievements of the present or recent past. Which is not surprising, because these things are associated with either high technology or into daily life in the twentieth century. But, as strange as it sounds, many of the so-called "modern" ideas actually appeared and was used thousands of years ago. Pay tribute to the ingenuity and intelligence of the representatives of ancient civilizations.

10 modern ideas, which are thought of in ancient times

The first known prostheses appeared in Ancient Egypt. The period between 950 and 710 BC dates from the artificial toe made of wood and leather, which apparently replaced some part of the body lost as a result of gangrene.

10 modern ideas, which are thought of in ancient times

The condom has gained special relevance in the 1980s in connection with the threat of AIDS. But even 1,000 years before our era, people used condoms made of leather, oiled silk paper or horns of animals. In the XV century, the Italian doctor Gabriel Fallopius suggested the use of linen "sheath" to protect from syphilis.

The laurels of the inventor of the toilet is often awarded to the London of the XIX century plumber Thomas Crapper. Although a flush toilet was used for 3000 years BC. For example, it is a modern convenience was a common occurrence in the homes of the ancient Harappan (Indus) civilization.

10 modern ideas, which are thought of in ancient times

Already in the VI century the Chinese used toilet paper for hygiene purposes. But first a nice cleaning procedure was available only at the Imperial court and in the homes of local oligarchs.

10 modern ideas, which are thought of in ancient times

In 1800 Alessandro Volta created a battery of copper and zinc plates. But superiority in this matter perhaps belongs to Parthians who settled in 256 BC on the territory of modern Iraq. "Parthian battery" was a vinegar-filled clay jar with iron rod and a copper cylinder inside.

In 1924 in Germany issued a patent on the technology of chrome plating metal products. 50 years later, archaeologists have discovered the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, and in it is untouched by rust axes, arrows and spears. It turned out that the Chinese knew about the corrosion properties of chromium and used in the production of weapons over 2,000 years ago.

10 modern ideas, which are thought of in ancient times

Our cleaner took care of the oral hygiene, the ancient Egyptians. It belongs to the authorship of breath-chewing gum and toothpaste. Teeth subjects of the Pharaoh were cleaned with a mixture of crushed hooves, ash, pumice and burned egg shells.

10 modern ideas, which are thought of in ancient times

Eight centuries before Christ, the Hindu doctors already knew how to do plastic surgery. Main recipients were the men that ruined her in the fighting the nose, which in Indian culture is considered a symbol of dignity. Also Aesculapius restored the damaged earlobes.

The first vending machine was made chocolate bars, and soda and Holy water. The inventor of the miracle machine, Heron of Alexandria, who lived in the first century ad, sought to prevent the theft of the healing liquid in the temple. The machine measured out the water portion based on the number of coins and not a drop more.

10 modern ideas, which are thought of in ancient times

In 2005 in a cave in Germany have discovered the oldest known history of the Dildo. Stone, length 20 cm, width 3 cm, age around 28 thousand years! Some experts suggest that this item was used not only for comfort but also for tools like chisels.

Keywords: Archaeology | Open | Sensation

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