
Weird and funny photos from the world of wild nature, which cause a lot of issues


Weird and funny photos from the world of wild nature, which ...

Not all photos from the world of wildlife is majestic and beautiful. And yet, not all photographers that make these pictures claim ...

The most beautiful river in the world


The most beautiful river in the world

We have compiled the top ten most beautiful river landscapes in the different countries of the world. Let's enjoy this miracle of ...

Nature versus people: the photographer filmed from the drone, as the desert devours Dubai and Abu Dhabi


Nature versus people: the photographer filmed from the drone, ...

United Arab Emirates is not just a cool glossy shopping malls and dazzling skyscrapers of Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Australian ...

Trees that time itself is afraid of: the oldest of the Bristlecone pines is more than 4.7 thousand years old


Trees that time itself is afraid of: the oldest of the ...

Getting into the forest of these ancient durable pines, you realize how negligibly short human life is. Bristlecone pine ...

20 photos of wildlife that is so bad that even good


20 photos of wildlife that is so bad that even good

In the world there are a lot of stunning photos of the animals, but no one even suspects the efforts of photographers to create ...

The photographer gets up early in the morning every day to capture the beauty of winter


The photographer gets up early in the morning every day to ...

With the help of these magnificent pictures, the Belarusian photographer Alexey Ugalnikov managed to convey the special poetry of ...

10 heaviest snowfalls in history


10 heaviest snowfalls in history

Heavy snowfall can paralyze even the largest city in a matter of hours - roads are covered with snow, people cannot get to work or ...

15 people and animals, who won the genetic lottery


15 people and animals, who won the genetic lottery

Various anomalies are always exciting and interest! Don't you would like to see a man with 30 fingers or a rare natural phenomenon ...

Amazing natural phenomena


Amazing natural phenomena

No matter how boundless was no technical possibility of the show as spectacular as the views nature leaves far behind the most ...

Once and in half! 22 photos of familiar things in the section


Once and in half! 22 photos of familiar things in the section

Many things, animals and plants seem familiar to us, because we have seen them a hundred times. And although it seems that a ...

10 varieties of cucumbers, which you never heard


10 varieties of cucumbers, which you never heard

There is hardly a person who is in your life for once would not have heard the comparison is "right as rain". That's just the ...

Evolutionary Atavisms: 7 Organs We No Longer Need


Evolutionary Atavisms: 7 Organs We No Longer Need

Our body is a real time machine, in which relics of the past are hidden. The appendix, goose bumps, and even wisdom teeth - these ...

20-year-old Indian makes an incredible photo of the insect on the phone


20-year-old Indian makes an incredible photo of the insect on ...

Sasi Kumar is a photographer from India who makes amazing macrophoto insect with a smartphone. To take pictures phone with a ...

The 20 best hot springs from around the world


The 20 best hot springs from around the world

Oh, hot springs are the best place to relax on vacation. Of course, provided that you went to where they are. Well, it's time to ...

The most beautiful trees in the world


The most beautiful trees in the world

We continue to admire the beauty of nature on our planet. Around the world grow so unusual trees that it is impossible to go past ...

The 20 most beautiful canyons in the world


The 20 most beautiful canyons in the world

The canyon is a deep river valley with very steep, often steep slopes and a narrow bottom — one of the most photogenic ...

A rare atmospheric phenomenon - ice needles, what they are and what they look like


A rare atmospheric phenomenon - ice needles, what they are ...

There are many natural phenomena in the world: some of them are quite familiar to us, like a rainbow, while others are very rare. ...

20 reasons why Lapland is the most magical place to celebrate the New Year


20 reasons why Lapland is the most magical place to celebrate ...

Whether you are a tourist or a professional photographer, in both cases Lapland is a truly magical place. There is not only a very ...

Snow wonders that you will see once in your life


Snow wonders that you will see once in your life

No that does not happen the new year? Of course, no snow. The snow transforms any landscape into a fairy, and after a snowfall it's ...

10 Little-Known and Unexpected Facts About Avocados


10 Little-Known and Unexpected Facts About Avocados

Avocado is one of the most popular products in modern healthy eating. Technically, it is not a fruit, as many people think, but a ...

50 stunning double rainbow photos


50 stunning double rainbow photos

Admiring the rainbow, we sometimes notice that it has its counterpart — another arc, but more modest, faintly noticeable. And ...

Snow Fairy tale: incredibly beautiful winter in Japan


Snow Fairy tale: incredibly beautiful winter in Japan

The photographer hiding under the nickname naagaoshi showed the incredible beauty of winter Japan, giving us even more reasons to ...

Trovanti — amazing "living stones" of Romania, which scientists stumped


Trovanti — amazing "living stones" of Romania, which ...

These unusual stones can be found in Romania, and more specifically, in the Central and southern parts of the country. People call ...

"Diamond Nights" by photographer Beth Moon - old trees under the starry sky


"Diamond Nights" by photographer Beth Moon - old trees under ...

For the photo project, Beth Moon visited Namibia, Botswana, Italy, toured the USA. For 14 years, the woman traveled the world in ...

Ice inspiration — 23 photos of interesting ice formations


Ice inspiration — 23 photos of interesting ice formations

In many places on earth, winter is cold, snowy and gloomy, so many people like this time of year the least. But there is something ...

Skaftafetl. The rough beauty of Iceland


Skaftafetl. The rough beauty of Iceland

Skaftafetl is the second largest national park in Iceland. It is located in the south of the country and covers an area of 4,807 ...