
Pizza, matryoshka and 6 other famous things invented not where it is considered


Pizza, matryoshka and 6 other famous things invented not ...

Quite often it happens that if people use something for a long time, they begin to consider it part of their culture. For example, ...

“Sleeping sickness”: the story of an epidemic whose causes were never found


“Sleeping sickness”: the story of an epidemic whose ...

Everyone knows about the Spanish flu epidemic, which claimed tens of millions of lives at the beginning of the 20th century. But ...

Photos of world rock stars in their youth that you are unlikely to have seen


Photos of world rock stars in their youth that you are ...

This truly historical selection includes diptychs of famous singers and musicians. When you first look at these portraits, you ...

20 portraits of immigrants to America at the beginning of the last century


20 portraits of immigrants to America at the beginning of the ...

Augustus Sherman worked in these years, the chief official in the office of records at Ellis island in new York, who was for many ...

Francesco Lentini - the three-legged "king of freaks" who conquered America


Francesco Lentini - the three-legged "king of freaks" who ...

The symbol of the island of Sicily — treskilion, represents three joined legs bent at the knees, with the head of the Gorgon ...

Paris 1923 - epicenter of art and progress


Paris 1923 - epicenter of art and progress

The author of these unique historical photographs is Jules Gervais-Courtellemont. He was born in 1863 in the suburbs of Paris, grew ...

From the boiler to the minimalism: the designers showed how to change a kitchen for 500 years


From the boiler to the minimalism: the designers showed how ...

Fashion changes not only in clothing but also in interior design, especially kitchens. Once part of, was a stove, we now have a ...

The whole truth about the Bloody mistress: the story of Darya Saltykova, a noblewoman of dosugovyy


The whole truth about the Bloody mistress: the story of Darya ...

Bloody landowner, the dragon lady, Noblewoman torturous... has been called Daria Saltykov, spooky ways to death tortured dozens of ...

Soviet epoch in photos Markov-Grinberg


Soviet epoch in photos Markov-Grinberg

The name of this legendary correspondent forever immortalized in textbooks devoted to the domestic photograph, along with such ...

Little known UNESCO sites in Russia, which not everyone knows


Little known UNESCO sites in Russia, which not everyone knows

The list of natural and cultural attractions that is generated by the UNESCO stamp of quality that speaks to the traveler, it's ...

How did butlers appear, and what is the essence of this profession


How did butlers appear, and what is the essence of this ...

We all know about the existence of butlers from a young age. People of this profession are present in the literary works of foreign ...

Blond Silvett David: the mystery of the unknown Muse of the great Picasso


Blond Silvett David: the mystery of the unknown Muse of the ...

Artists perpetuate the images of his muses in paintings, sculptures and other works. Them they draw inspiration for creativity. ...

These Russian surnames are actually Jewish, but no one even knows about it


These Russian surnames are actually Jewish, but no one even ...

Few people know, but some popular supposedly Russian surnames are actually Jewish. And we are not talking about the Abramovichs, ...

22 strange antiques that raise a lot of questions


22 strange antiques that raise a lot of questions

We know about the past only what is written in the history books. But how little we know about the tastes of our ancestors, their ...

Mae West-the controversial actress who became the first sex symbol of America


Mae West-the controversial actress who became the first sex ...

May West once jokingly said that she should be given a license to invent sex, which she discovered for Americans. The name of this ...

22 memories of the dashing 90s that have become a common past


22 memories of the dashing 90s that have become a common past

Many still remember the dashing 90s, which still echo in our judgments, actions and way of life. We have collected a special photo ...

How the monkey officially worked on the railway


How the monkey officially worked on the railway

We often use the expression: "Even a monkey can be taught this." At the same time, we mean some simple work that does not require ...

As people in the last century imagined the future


As people in the last century imagined the future

In the mid-20th century, people were confident that in 50-70 years life will change: there will be a lot of amazing inventions, all ...

4 cases when ordinary people behaved like action heroes


4 cases when ordinary people behaved like action heroes

It's high time for Hollywood screenwriters to adopt the stories of these ordinary people, because in extreme situations they ...

The harsh 19th century: a collection of archival photographs of people with deformities


The harsh 19th century: a collection of archival photographs ...

From time immemorial, man's love for beauty and aesthetic beauty has firmly coexisted with an inexplicable craving to gaze at ...

Why do men grow long nails on his pinky


Why do men grow long nails on his pinky

Many are tormented by the question — why do some grow long nails on his pinky. If you ask the owners of such "decorations", we ...

The pre-revolutionary history of Russia in color photos


The pre-revolutionary history of Russia in color photos

Olga Shirnina network under the name Klimbim, good familiar to users kolonisierung historical imagery. The talented colorist, she ...

Broke through: historical images of the baby boom in the USA


Broke through: historical images of the baby boom in the USA

Since the end of World War II, birth rates have risen sharply in the United States and other Western countries. Between 1945 and ...

How a joke about pies caused an uprising with human victims in Novocherkassk


How a joke about pies caused an uprising with human victims ...

The events that took place in 1962 in the city of Novocherkassk were strictly classified and for the first time the broad masses ...

What did the world's most famous landmarks look like at the very beginning


What did the world's most famous landmarks look like at the ...

Wolfgang Wilde, the creator and curator of the website Retronaut, has released a book that will change the perception of the past. ...

Why Rome's Colosseum, the Eternal City's calling card, looks so bad


Why Rome's Colosseum, the Eternal City's calling ...

When we hear about Rome, the first thing that comes to mind is the Colosseum. This grand amphitheater, which could well claim a ...