What is "unlucky": 22 photos of people who had a very difficult day

What is "unlucky": 22 photos of people who had a very difficult day

Categories: Positive

There is nothing pleasant about failure. Especially when they happen to you... but watching the failures of others is much easier. Sometimes they are funny, and sometimes they just make it clear that you are still not so bad!

What is "unlucky": 22 photos of people who had a very difficult day

What is "unlucky": 22 photos of people who had a very difficult day

It seems that it will cost someone a pretty penny…

What is "unlucky": 22 photos of people who had a very difficult day

"My house just fell on my car."

What is "unlucky": 22 photos of people who had a very difficult day

Never try to wash a feather pillow in the washing machine.

What is "unlucky": 22 photos of people who had a very difficult day

"My roof leaked at home, and right over my laptop. Luck level: 0 out of 10".

What is "unlucky": 22 photos of people who had a very difficult day

"Someone fastened my bike with their bicycle lock."

What is "unlucky": 22 photos of people who had a very difficult day

"We have been away for 7 months. During this time, the neighbor could not solve the problem with the leak."

What is "unlucky": 22 photos of people who had a very difficult day

"I ordered 6 nuggets, got one giant one."

What is "unlucky": 22 photos of people who had a very difficult day

"I was charging the JBL speaker before going to the beach, when suddenly it exploded."

What is "unlucky": 22 photos of people who had a very difficult day

"I was late for work. Slammed the refrigerator door too hard - broke a bottle of wine. In parallel, I poured my coffee. Bad morning."

What is "unlucky": 22 photos of people who had a very difficult day

"The first winter in my first home of my own."

What is "unlucky": 22 photos of people who had a very difficult day

"I've been thinking about burritos all day. I bought it after work, and in the end it turned out to be empty."

What is "unlucky": 22 photos of people who had a very difficult day

"Someone broke my glass for $400 to steal headphones for twenty."

What is "unlucky": 22 photos of people who had a very difficult day

"My left Airpod fell into the oven and I noticed it 20 minutes later."

What is "unlucky": 22 photos of people who had a very difficult day

"But I just wanted to cook pork ribs..."

What is "unlucky": 22 photos of people who had a very difficult day

"After a long shift at the hospital, I was stuck in the elevator for several hours. What can I say, I'm a lucky guy."

What is "unlucky": 22 photos of people who had a very difficult day

"A cake that I spent an hour preparing. Well, at least I know it's not dry..."

What is "unlucky": 22 photos of people who had a very difficult day

What do you even know about failures?

What is "unlucky": 22 photos of people who had a very difficult day

"It's 3 o'clock in the morning. Everyone is asleep, and I've been trying to get out of my room for 30 minutes."

What is "unlucky": 22 photos of people who had a very difficult day

"And why does it always happen at the most inopportune moment?"

What is "unlucky": 22 photos of people who had a very difficult day

"While I was looking for my drowned phone... my ATV sank."

What is "unlucky": 22 photos of people who had a very difficult day

When arranging a romantic evening with candles, make sure that you do not burn your TV.

What is "unlucky": 22 photos of people who had a very difficult day

"Broke my leg in Cancun, on the first day of the honeymoon."

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