Toddlers who look like little old men

Toddlers who look like little old men

Categories: Children | Positive

A wrinkled forehead, a toothless mouth, frowning brows or, conversely, a happy smile and the absence of hair or their rare presence. You will not believe it, but all this can be characteristic signs not only of the elderly, but also vice versa-the youngest. Oddly enough, children (especially newborns) very often look like such tiny old men: they frown, furrow their brows, and sometimes behave like elderly people-crying, shouting and constantly dissatisfied with something. And yet they are so charming! How can you not love them?

Toddlers who look like little old men

Toddlers who look like little old men

Toddlers who look like little old men

Toddlers who look like little old men

Toddlers who look like little old men

Toddlers who look like little old men

Toddlers who look like little old men

Toddlers who look like little old men

Toddlers who look like little old men

Toddlers who look like little old men

Toddlers who look like little old men

Toddlers who look like little old men

Toddlers who look like little old men

Toddlers who look like little old men

Toddlers who look like little old men

Toddlers who look like little old men

Toddlers who look like little old men

Toddlers who look like little old men

Toddlers who look like little old men

Keywords: Positive | Old people | Children | Newborns | Toddlers | Appearance

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