The space program of the Republic of Zambia, which started in the 60's. Like you, Elon Musk?
By Pictolic it is fashionable to speculate about the possibility of colonization of Mars and to argue about the representative of some of the countries first set foot on the Red planet. Of course, one of the favorites of the Martian race is considered the Americans and their Elon Musk and his company SpaceX. But few people know that trying to reach a distant planet and establish a colony have already been made in the 60s, and was threatened on this ambitious project of brave astronauts from the African country of Zambia.
Early 60-ies of the space race was marked by unprecedented proportions. The Soviet Union hit the ambitions of the United States first manned flight into space, almost not allowing overseas opponent to come back after a series of successful launches of satellites with equipment and animals. Americans feverish pace began to prepare his flight to the moon, not suspecting that dominance in space claim another player — Zambia.
Sergeant Edward Festus Makuka Nicoloso
To understand the essence of the space program of this African country, you need to look into the past. During the Second world war in the British army served as a guy named Edward Festus Makuka COLOSO. This man was distinguished by extraordinary inquisitive mind and a rare native of Zambia active nature.
Opportunities for Nkoloma opened in the administration of the first President of the independent Republic of Zambia, Kenneth Kaunda. Hard to say, as Edward was in the office of the President, but the fact remains — the man he has become not only known, but also respected.
Getting to their desires more and opportunities, restless and soaked undying optimism Nicoloso undertook the most ambitious project of his life. He founded a public institution with a very unusual name — the national Academy of Sciences, philosophy, and space exploration and, of course, it headed.
What is philosophy Edward imagined vaguely, but about space projects had heard, the benefit that the radio and even television have newly academician access. Therefore, in order not to lose time in vain, Edward Festus Makuka Nicoloso announced the start of the national space program, the purpose of which was concurrent colonization of the moon and Mars.
Here at once is to digress and say that the knowledge about the cosmos from scholars from the African country was a little superficial. It was known that he is and that in order to achieve it, it is advisable to move up and down vertically. Scientific library of the Academy of Sciences consisted of the books left by the fleeing British missionaries and the exploration of space could not help.
That the global scientific community is gnawed by doubts about the existence of any life on Mars or the moon, at the National Academy of Sciences to say it was not accepted. Such seditious conversation could cast a shadow over the glorious cartridge companies — Edward Nicoloso who personally saw the Martians through a telescope.
The honor of being the first space pioneer had a simple 16-year-old peasant girl named Mata Mwambwa, the hardships of interplanetary travel in which he had to share the two cats. Was the girl and doubles, as expected in the real space command. In the implementation of space programs Nicoloso demanded to give him a budget of considerable even by today's standards, the amount of 7 million pounds. While the summit was thinking about the advisability of investment, Edward with like-minded people began preparations for the flight.
Your space base from the young Republic was not, therefore, the center of flight training organized on one of the farms near the country's capital Lusaka. There's the first Zambian woman-cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova and her doubles accustomed to zero gravity, stress and other difficulties.
To simulate weightlessness, it was more difficult, but I coped academics — a man was tied to a bungee and struggling rocked. Later, the exercise was complicated by cutting at the highest point of the climb the rope and then trying to catch astronaut stretched blanket.
But most of the time devoted to such subjects as walking on his hands. According to COLOSO, this way will have to move along the surface of the moon and Mars first earthlings. In General, the expression "through the thorns to the stars" perfectly describes the training program astronauts Zambia.
In parallel, the best minds of the National Academy of Sciences has developed a spacecraft. Rocket science in Zambia was in its infancy, so to deliver the first crew to Mars has chosen an unusual way — a catapult. First Kosmonavtika was placed in a special capsule of copper and aluminium, with food and water, and then run in the direction of the red planet.
As the spaceport chose just built the Independence stadium in Lusaka that can accommodate up to 30 thousand spectators. The launch is scheduled for October 24, 1964 in conjunction with the Independence Day of the country. Although the spacecraft and was named in honor of President Kenneth Kaunda — "D-Kalu 1", this did not prevent the opponents of the project to prevent progress.
The trial of Edward Nicoloso suit
Zambian scientist was in for another shock — the Treasury of the Republic of Zambia was not necessary for flight to Mars and the moon amounts, and foreign investors are somehow answered. Even the fact that he Nicoloso personally asked for money, pestering, gave no result.
Enemies got to the first woman-astronaut — young Mata Mwambwa unexpectedly got pregnant in the process of flight training and angry that her parents took her home to the village. There was no one to complain to, as the President, first chlopaki their hands in anticipation of glory, suddenly lost interest in space exploration. An ambitious project collapsed, destroying the last hope for the colonization of Mars by Zambians.
Fortunately for posterity, the space program of the Republic of Zambia was so widely raspiarili that for many years has inspired artists, writers and psychiatrists all over the world. To her we owe the appearance of such phenomena in art as a photo project by Cristina de Middel "Afronaut" and ruthless his idiocy movie "Gay niggers from outer space".
As for Edward Nicoloso, he, as one would expect, does not put his hands down and rushed into the depths of other things and projects. He unsuccessfully ran for mayor of Lusaka, then mired in diplomatic Affairs, out of which came a knight of the anniversary of the Soviet medal for the 40th anniversary of the Victory. Later, he tried to become a lawyer and even got a law degree.
At the end of life Edward Festus Makuka Nicoloso received the rank of Colonel, and when he died, and it happened on March 4, 1989, it was buried with presidential honours. This man can say one thing — he became a well known figure in the country, despite the absurdity of the projects and dense inexperience. But if he had even a second to stop and to direct their energies in the right direction, it is possible that he would be applauded by the whole world.
Finally, I want to ask you not to laugh at the Nigerian letters which contains the tragic story of a forgotten African orbiting astronaut. It is possible that in these Epistles except the financial interest inherent tragic subtext — the unfulfilled desire of the inhabitants of the African countries of the third world to conquer space.
Keywords: Deep space | Zambia | Space | Mars | Preparation | Project | Rocket | Center
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