Realistic paintings by Johannes Wessmark, a self-taught artist from Sweden

Realistic paintings by Johannes Wessmark, a self-taught artist from Sweden

Categories: Exhibition

If a person does not have an art education, this does not mean that he will not succeed in art. Sometimes only talent and hard work are enough. A good example of this is the work of the Swedish hyperrealist artist Johannes Wessmark. This master of photographic precision is a classic nugget who independently comprehended the mystery of realistic painting. 

(Careful! Nude).

Realistic paintings by Johannes Wessmark, a self-taught artist from Sweden

Johannes Wessmark was born in 1962 in the Swedish city of Karlstad. He started drawing as a child, impressing parents and friends with his amazing gift. After school, Johannes was persuaded to go to art college, but the guy was not interested. Wessmark quickly found a job without special education. A talented artist was accepted into an advertising company as an illustrator.

Realistic paintings by Johannes Wessmark, a self-taught artist from Sweden

Johannes worked there for more than 15 years, never ceasing to paint in his home workshop. Over time, the artist decided to devote himself entirely to creativity and quit. Now Wessmark lives and works in the village of Nedre Bondestad, not far from his native Karlstad.

Realistic paintings by Johannes Wessmark, a self-taught artist from Sweden

The artist paints hyperrealistic paintings on canvas using acrylic and oil paints. His amazing works are in great demand among collectors and gallery owners. Wessmark constantly participates in exhibitions and competitions, where he always finds recognition. He is known and loved in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, China and the USA.

Realistic paintings by Johannes Wessmark, a self-taught artist from Sweden

Realistic paintings by Johannes Wessmark, a self-taught artist from Sweden

Realistic paintings by Johannes Wessmark, a self-taught artist from Sweden

Realistic paintings by Johannes Wessmark, a self-taught artist from Sweden

Realistic paintings by Johannes Wessmark, a self-taught artist from Sweden

Realistic paintings by Johannes Wessmark, a self-taught artist from Sweden

Realistic paintings by Johannes Wessmark, a self-taught artist from Sweden

Realistic paintings by Johannes Wessmark, a self-taught artist from Sweden

Realistic paintings by Johannes Wessmark, a self-taught artist from Sweden

Realistic paintings by Johannes Wessmark, a self-taught artist from Sweden

Realistic paintings by Johannes Wessmark, a self-taught artist from Sweden

Realistic paintings by Johannes Wessmark, a self-taught artist from Sweden

Realistic paintings by Johannes Wessmark, a self-taught artist from Sweden

Realistic paintings by Johannes Wessmark, a self-taught artist from Sweden

Realistic paintings by Johannes Wessmark, a self-taught artist from Sweden

Realistic paintings by Johannes Wessmark, a self-taught artist from Sweden

Aliya Chapin's paintings are no less impressive than Wessmark's works. The artist shows the beauty of the human body, which is hidden even in imperfection.

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