Evil seals that seem to be plotting to kill their master

Evil seals that seem to be plotting to kill their master

Categories: Animals | Positive

You can think as much as you like that all the cats are soft and fluffy, that they just need to lie around and purr. But in fact, some cats are evil geniuses.

Well, or so it seems at the first glance at these photos. At least, we looked and decided that these seals are up to something bad. See for yourself.

Evil seals that seem to be plotting to kill their master

Evil seals that seem to be plotting to kill their master

Evil seals that seem to be plotting to kill their master

Don't forget to look up as you walk down the street. Just in case.

Evil seals that seem to be plotting to kill their master

And this cat, it seems, is jealous.

Evil seals that seem to be plotting to kill their master

Revenge is a dish that is served cold.

Evil seals that seem to be plotting to kill their master

And this Kotan also has backup just in case.

Evil seals that seem to be plotting to kill their master

Clearly puts poison in human food.

Evil seals that seem to be plotting to kill their master

You can't trust anyone.

Evil seals that seem to be plotting to kill their master

In addition, cats are very good at disguising themselves.

Evil seals that seem to be plotting to kill their master

And also hide.

Evil seals that seem to be plotting to kill their master

Be careful in the shower.

Evil seals that seem to be plotting to kill their master

Evil seals that seem to be plotting to kill their master

Save yourself who can!

Evil seals that seem to be plotting to kill their master

They don't have teeth, they have daggers.

Evil seals that seem to be plotting to kill their master

Evil seals that seem to be plotting to kill their master

Keywords: Animals | Cats | Murder | Positive | Funny | Fear | Evil | Villain | Villains

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