Elena Zelenskaya — First Lady of Ukraine

Elena Zelenskaya — First Lady of Ukraine

Categories: Celebrities | Society

On April 21, the second round of the presidential election was held in Ukraine, the winner of which, with a result of 73% of the votes, was the showman and leader of the Kvartal-95 studio, Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky. Accordingly, his wife Elena Zelenskaya, unexpectedly for herself, became the first lady of Ukraine.

Read about how she feels about her new status and what she had to go through over the past four months in our material.

Elena Zelenskaya — First Lady of Ukraine

On the morning of April 22, 41-year-old Elena Zelenskaya woke up as the first lady… Before that, the woman, however, like her husband, had never been involved in politics and areas close to her. All her life, Elena wrote scripts for her husband's team in KVN, and later — for Kvartal-95 Studio.

Elena Zelenskaya — First Lady of Ukraine

When Vladimir Zelensky told his wife that he would run for president, she was, to put it mildly, surprised.

But she did not dissuade Vladimir from this idea, because she understood that it was useless.

Elena Zelenskaya — First Lady of Ukraine

The woman admitted that during the election campaign she and her husband had to go through a lot. The information "war" that was waged against Vladimir Zelensky sometimes knocked them off the track. Friends helped.

Their colleagues and acquaintances voluntarily spoke in support of the future president. They convinced the people that Vladimir Zelensky was not a drug addict, as they wrote about him in the press, and had never been one.

Elena Zelenskaya — First Lady of Ukraine

Another claim against Zelensky concerns his complete lack of any political experience. However, according to his wife, this is not a problem. Elena stated that her husband is constantly learning something new, consults with experts and literally "takes an external course of a young fighter."

Elena Zelenskaya believes that her husband will fill in the missing gaps in knowledge very quickly. According to her, Vladimir's single-mindedness can only be envied.

Elena Zelenskaya — First Lady of Ukraine

Elena also said that she is not yet ready to take on the "duties" of the first lady. The woman is not yet ready to organize charitable foundations, hold meetings with voters and travel with humanitarian missions around the world, as many other wives of presidents do.

Elena Zelenskaya — First Lady of Ukraine

A woman is also not going to radically change her image in order to match the image of the "first lady".

Elena Zelenskaya also admitted that she would like to meet with the wives of other presidents, because these women play an important role in the life of the head of the country.

Well, let's hope that in the future Elena Zelenskaya will still have such an opportunity. Of course, if she herself wants to plunge headlong into the information field of the president, and does not stay on the sidelines, as she is doing so far.

Keywords: Biography | Wife | Comedian | First lady | President | Presidential election | Spouse | Facts

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