25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

Categories: Aerophoto

In front of these people appear the most spectacular and ever-changing landscapes — from stunning atmospheric phenomena to the stunning urban landscapes over which they fly at great speed. We're talking about the conquerors of the sky, in particular the pilots who constantly upload your cool photographs on the site 500px.

In their footage can be seen detailed and mind-bogglingly complex control panel, sunset, Northern lights, cloud cover, and all that is only able to cover the eye to the edge of the horizon.

25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

15 seconds to touchdown. Author of the photo: Chuck D.

25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

Cockpit Boeing 737-800. Author of the photo: Martin Court

25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

Night arrival to the Chicago airport o'hare. Author of the photo: Wilco 737

25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

Approach. Author of the photo: HUS Kani

25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

Sunrise at the height of 11,000 meters. Author of the photo: Saki Naveed

25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

Author photo: John Bartels

25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

Author of the photo: Matthew Irving

25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

Workspace. Author of the photo: Baptiste Depetri

25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

Start a checklist. Author of the photo: HUS Kani

25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

Greenland from the cockpit. Author of the photo: Rafael Berthold

25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

Dam. Author of the photo: Fahad of Abdulhamid

25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

Northern lights. Author of the photo: Wilco 737

25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

Author of the photo: Karim Naftni

25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

The final stage of the landing (2013). Author of the photo: Ismail Chord

25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

Dakar (2012). Author of the photo: Ismail Chord

25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

Come fly with me. Author of the photo: Martin Court

25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

From the sky. Author of the photo: Sebastian Conejero

25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

Another day in Paradise. Author of the photo: Karim Naftni

25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

Thunderstorms. Author of the photo: Martin Court

25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

In the cockpit of a 777. Author of the photo: Hakan Kurt

25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

Night landing. Author of the photo: Ander Aguirre

25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

Over Kathmandu. Author photo: John Crookes

25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

Center. Author of the photo: Karim Naftni

25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

Starry night at the height of 11,000 meters. Author of the photo: Martin Court

25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

Sunrise in the cockpit. Author of the photo: Karim Naftni

And also we offer you to watch a selfie of the two pilots and talented photographers whose work you see above. It was Karim Naftni and Huss Cani.

25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

Author of the photo: Karim Naftni

25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

Author of the photo: Karim Naftni

25 photos taken by pilots from the cockpit

Author of the photo: HUS Kani

Keywords: Sky | Aircraft | Aerial | Pilots | Cabin | From the height of

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