12 horror movies that are better not to watch at night

12 horror movies that are better not to watch at night

Categories: Cinema

These are the films in which we close our eyes in the most terrible scenes, and our palms are covered with cold sweat. They have a place for madness, mysticism, and simple things that become terribly creepy. It's scary to watch them to the end, but it's also scary to turn them off.

We have collected a dozen films, after which only a blanket seems to be the safest place, and even that is doubtful.

12 horror movies that are better not to watch at night

12 horror movies that are better not to watch at night

1. "Shining" / The Shining. Stanley Kubrick, 1980

The events of the film take place in the Overlook Hotel, which inspires distrust from the very first minutes. An empty large building, in which the family of the writer Jack Torrence settles, does not bode well, because even the gloomy appearance of the hotel in the "sleeping" season can reject anyone.

12 horror movies that are better not to watch at night

2. "Call" / Ringu. Hideo Nakata, 1998

In the winter of 1998, the world saw the "Bell" for the first time. And since then, the horror genre has been divided into what was "before" and what became "after". There are no special effects at all familiar to our eyes, the heroines do not squeal with fear so that their ears are blocked, and no one runs through the dark corridors with a flashlight that goes out every now and then. Everything is completely different here. The whole film seems to be electrified by fear and tension. The Hollywood remake of 2002 in many ways turned out to be no worse.

12 horror movies that are better not to watch at night

3. "The Exorcist" / The Exorcist. William Friedkin, 1973

The daughter of a famous actress suddenly begins to have seizures, which are difficult to explain to doctors of different specialties, and even the local priest is not ready to believe that the girl is possessed by the devil. If you are tired of horror movies that resemble comedies, where all the fright is kept on a cheap " Boo!", then you are at the right place.

12 horror movies that are better not to watch at night

4. "The Silence of the Lambs" / The Silence of the Lambs. Jonathan Demme, 1990

Clarissa Starling is investigating the case of a maniac who kidnaps young girls. But to catch one maniac, you need another maniac. A psychiatrist, Hannibal Lecter, is serving time in a psychiatric hospital, who agrees to cooperate in exchange for conversations. And these conversations can cost her not only nerve cells.

12 horror movies that are better not to watch at night

5. "Saw: A Survival Game" / Saw. James Wang, 2004

Two men wake up in an unknown room that looks like a large bathroom. With difficulty reconstructing the events of the past day, they are trying to find out what is happening here. It turns out that they have become part of someone's cruel game.

12 horror movies that are better not to watch at night

6. "Alien" / Alien. Ridley Scott, 1979

"In space, no one will hear your cry..." Somewhere in deep space, a cargo tanker suddenly makes a stop near a little-studied planet. A signal is received from it, and the team decides to land and find out what is there. The discovery is amazing, but the team is much more surprised not by the spacecraft itself and its dead crew, but by something mysterious in its "hold".

12 horror movies that are better not to watch at night

7. "28 days later" / 28 Days Later… Danny Boyle, 2002

The future depends on us. But this is not the case at all. The future depends on us only indirectly, and we have almost no power to influence it, unless you are lucky enough to become one of the lucky few chosen by fate... and what awaits these few in a world of chaos and danger of death at any moment? Only the struggle for survival.

12 horror movies that are better not to watch at night

8. "The skin in which I live" / La piel que habito. Pedro Almodovar, 2011

The world-famous surgeon Robert Ledgard has discovered the secret of creating artificial human skin. He assures his colleagues that he is conducting experiments on mice, but secretly keeps a young woman named Vera locked up in his country house, who is the main object of his experiments.

12 horror movies that are better not to watch at night

9. "Shelter" / El orfanato. Juan Antonio Bayona, 2007

In the former orphanage — a large old mansion — a couple lives with an adopted curly-haired boy named Simon. The boy behaves as is customary in houses with such an entourage. He is friends with invisible children who play frightening games first with him, and after his disappearance — with his mother.

12 horror movies that are better not to watch at night

10. "The Conjuring" / The Conjuring. James Wang, 2013

The most terrible thing is that the film is based on real events. The frightening story of Ed and Lorraine Warren, world-famous detectives who investigate paranormal cases. A family, terrorized by a dark spirit on a secluded farm, turned to them for help. And then the seasoned detectives are faced with the most frightening case in their lives.

12 horror movies that are better not to watch at night

11. "Sleepy Hollow" / Sleepy Hollow. Tim Burton, 1999

A New York constable, who is tired of the barbaric methods of the police, is sent to the town of Sleepy Hollow to investigate mysterious murders. All the victims, according to the local population, are killed by the sword of the headless horseman... Crane has to make sure that this is not a legend, but a terrible truth.

12. "Psycho" / Psycho. Alfred Hitchcock, 1960

You will not see gushing fountains of blood, decapitated corpses or other things that disgust many people. But this does not mean that you will not be afraid. Hitchcock and without creepy shots will make you tremble with horror even half a century after the premiere of the film.

Keywords: Movie | Horror

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