10 magical photographs of the wild horses of Cumberland island

10 magical photographs of the wild horses of Cumberland island

Categories: Animals | Photo project | World

Cumberland island (Cumberland Island) — one of the most mysterious places of America. Here dwells the only one on the East coast of the US herd of wild horses — 150 purebred animals that freely roam the local beaches and dunes... French Anouk Krantz (Anouk Krantz) more than 12 years photographing this beauty. The result was a spectacular album of black-and-white photographs.

10 magical photographs of the wild horses of Cumberland island

Pictures from the photo book "Wild horses of Cumberland island" we will now see. For the first time this book was published in 2017 and immediately gained popularity. Now released is the second edition and in this new footage, not included in the first edition. Some of them are presented below.

10 magical photographs of the wild horses of Cumberland island

It is believed that the horse originally came to the island with Spanish settlers in the 17th century. Then there was situated the plantation, and in the mid-19th century wars were being waged in the Civil war.Most of the island in 1880-ies bought by wealthy Carnegie family. They have built a huge estate and brought thoroughbred horses. And in 1972 they sold the Cumberland state. Then all the people left the island, leaving their horses. Since then in this unique place you can see incredibly beautiful purebred, but not tamed horses.

10 magical photographs of the wild horses of Cumberland island

10 magical photographs of the wild horses of Cumberland island

10 magical photographs of the wild horses of Cumberland island

The island with its white beaches, huge rolling dunes and Maritime forests of old — truly beautiful sanctuary for horses.

10 magical photographs of the wild horses of Cumberland island

10 magical photographs of the wild horses of Cumberland island

10 magical photographs of the wild horses of Cumberland island10 magical photographs of the wild horses of Cumberland island

10 magical photographs of the wild horses of Cumberland island

The work of Anouk Krantz exhibited in renowned galleries and received awards from the International Photography Awards International Awards Monochrome.

Keywords: Horse island United States | Black-and-white photograph

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